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Gardening Projects for December

Gardening Projects for December

The coming of winter and the Christmas season is fast beckoning. With it come holiday obligations and, more importantly, a drastic change in gardening conditions for gardening enthusiasts. The seasonal shift brings out a different side of nature. Think of the thick snow and the freezing temperatures.

Picture of a Farm with a Large Black Boot and Red Hat


Quite simply, December is not the best month for outdoor gardening. The prevailing weather conditions do not seem to favor botanical life. December, or winter to be more specific, is the time of year when much of life goes to sleep. This hibernation of sorts is to be expected as not much gets done in subzero temperatures. However, this does not mean that your hobbies and pastimes have to put on hold until the sun reappears.


December gardening tips


What if I told you there are ways in which you can keep your gardening lifestyle as active as summer and spring? The biting temperatures make the gardening task at hand that much harder. There are tips and means to circumvent the weather conditions. December planting has never been so easy. A few of these tips are a bit obvious, such as using warm or lukewarm water when irrigating your houseplants.

Shovel in dirt


Just about the only active gardening you can do is indoor gardening. This does not mean that outdoor gardening goes out of the window during winter. The task of outdoor December planting is made twice as burdensome by the cold and layers of snow. A few basic tasks do not require that much input and will protect your backyard garden areas. Clearing snow off the branches as well as mulching are examples that come to mind.


Do I need to water my plants in December?


So, the question abounds, do plants require water in December? There are several viable December plant watering tips that anyone can use to their benefit. The wet conditions and the plant life’s static nature mean that they don’t crave that much water. It is vital to note that dormant means “inactive”, not “dead”.

Sprinkler in a garden


As dormant as they are in winter, the plants also undergo certain essential functions that require little amounts of water. A light winter watering may be helpful for their well-being. Of course, there a real risk of the water freezing over and causing harm to the roots. This can be easily countered by using lukewarm water and utilizing insulating covers to conserve heat and protect your plants from freezing.


Things you need for your December Gardening Checklist.

Visit this link for an excellent December Gardening checklist.


Winter Mulching Tips


Mulching during winter and over December is a handy measure to enhance water retention and heat around the base of your plants or shrubs. Always ensure that the mulch is not piled too high around the bottom of your plants or shrubs. Doing so could potentially result in “girdling roots.”

Wheelbarrow with mulch


Girdling is an unfortunate phenomenon when the roots of a shrub or a tree emerge from the soil, cutting into the tree’s trunk. Such an occurrence limits the movement of water and nutrients from the roots, curtailing its growth and development. Poor mulching techniques also lead to the presence of pests and vermin that might potentially ruin your shrubs and young trees.


Taking Care of your House Plants in December


When it comes to houseplants, the same fastidious care should be taken to ensure that they, too, survive the harsh winters. In that in as much as they have more protection from the elements, they also are not immune from the extreme weather conditions. We have already explored the benefits of using lukewarm water for irrigation instead of colder temperature water.


When watering your plants, you must ensure that it does not result in soggy, water-logged conditions for the plant. Too much water is also detrimental to your houseplants. It is essential to bear in mind that your houseplants may not require as much water during winter. Therefore, always take care to reduce your plants’ water intake. Consider having in place a tap timer for your irrigation system. Such a move ensures that your plants do not receive more water than is necessary.


Protecting your Potted Plants from winter

Plants in Pots


Another important tip is to keep your indoor plants away from windows and doorways at night to prevent extreme winter cold from damaging them. Inspect them thoroughly for pests and insects that might make the potted plant home for the winter. Aphids are particularly notoriously for favoring houseplants.


Spider mites also pose another challenge as they tend to invade houseplants and camp there over the winter. Closely inspect and examine the undersides of the leaves and branches. If you elect to use insecticides to handle this particular problem, then it is worth noting the danger posed by their indoor use.

Watering rock near log cabin watering tomato plant


Outdoor Gardening Tasks for December


Such mundane tasks as erecting and maintaining windbreak fences can go a long way to protecting your outdoor plants from winter’s harsh winds. The critical point to take home is that all these tasks can only be undertaken before winter sets in. Mulching, for example, should be done as timely as is reasonably possible. Do not wait until several inches of snow have already been deposited.


What are the Best Plants for December Gardening?


If you are intent on going on with your gardening hobby throughout the unforgiving months of winter, then choose your plants with precision. Plants like ginger require very little care and are hardy enough to withstand the temperatures. Granted, plants that flower during winter are rare – but they exist. Pansies and winter aconites are among examples of hardy winter flowering plants.


When every other vegetation around your garden is practically dormant, these winter flowers add a vivid dash of life to your garden. To protect the limbs of your trees from damage and injury, brush off the excessive snow that will inevitably settle on your trees and shrubs.


Your trees are quite vulnerable to breakage, having shed off excessive foliage in preparation for winter. After a particularly heavy snowfall, it is always advisable to remove it carefully from the branches. Your trees are quite likely to bend under the weight of snow and eventually snap off.


Ensuring the Well-being of your Plants while Vacationing

Before and After Picture of Plants Demonstrating results of Drip Irrigation


Unfortunately, December is also the month of the year when you are most likely to be absent from home. Vacations and visits to friends and friends are a common theme throughout the Christmas period. While this is welcome and even encouraged, such a move can spell disaster for your unattended garden.


It could transform a green, viable bit of garden into a dead mass of twigs and branches. At the first sign of winter and as soon as December approaches, your gardening priorities should focus on preventing frost and water-logged conditions.


A cheap and effective method to achieve this is to ensure that you lay on thick padding of mulch on your garden patch and potted plants as well. If you are the kind that favors a vacation over December, then it is wise to install a drip irrigation system. Doing so ensures that your plants continue to take in their daily quota of water, even as you soak in the sun during vacation. Leave your houseplants at a strategic location to ensure they soak in as much natural light as possible.

We hope you have found this article helpful. Visit www.watering-rocks.com for more informative articles.