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Spring Garden Preparation Ideas

Gardening in early spring

Picture of a Farm in Spring


Introduction to Spring Garden Preparation

Spring is considered the best time for Spring Garden Preparation as winter’s harshness disappears, giving room for new plants to bloom. However, every gardener must be aware that spring gardening preparation is not as easy a task as it seems if you are not familiar with what you have to do. This is why before you start, there must be an entire planned sequence regarding the essential details, such as getting the soil ready, choosing the plants to be planted, cleaning the soil, etc. The planning is even more necessary for spring garden preparation as the prior season likely caused some damage to the existing plants and soil. It is important to consider the preparational steps and the correct sequence of the whole preparation. The following tips will help guide you through the process.

Thoroughly inspect the area

Lady in Pink Shirt caring for plants in garden

Before creating your spring gardening plan, it is crucial to closely inspect the site and observe the changes that need to be made. Look out for any dead or damaged plants that are cut down due to the strong winter winds or any other reason. Inspect keenly for any other waste lying around either in the soil or grass, such as debris, trash, animal burrows, etc. Also, look out for the damages done to the fences, ornaments, railings, etc., if there are any. This inspection will help you record all the changes that need to be made to the existing area along with the new items that need to be incorporated, i.e., new plants, decorations, etc.

Create a Spring Garden Preparation plan 

After a thorough inspection, you’ll be aware of the damages done and the changes that need to be incorporated into your garden. Now you’ll require an effective plan, you can either make a to-do list or write down each task that needs to be done, or you can create a mind-map as well. These techniques will help you in remembering all the tasks, as well as will make the whole process more organized in general. Moreover, you can also create a time-table and divide the task into multiple days so that the entire burden does not fall on just one day. Next, you need to plan out the new plants that you will be planting. Springtime is the best for planting specific flowers and shrubs such as Lilacs, hydrangea, etc., and certain evergreens such as boxwood, etc.

Clean the area completelyWatering rock in field by fruit tree and 4 wheeler

The foremost task is to clean the entire area very closely. It would be best to pluck out any weeds, sticks, branches, leaves, flowers, and even garbage. But before you go out into the field and get to work, be sure that the soil is dry enough for plantation and is not still soggy and wet from the winter dew or rain. Once assured, you’ll be required to clean the area from top to bottom. Moreover, you’ll need to clean out the remains of snow or frost on the plants or trees or the grass as well.

Test the soil

Soil testing is another essential part of landscaping. It is necessary to get your soil tested every once in a while, especially before planting new material. A soil test requires you to send a sample of your soil to the testing center, and the essential elements of your soil will be listed as a result of this test. The test determines the acidity, pH level, and the availability of nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc. Based on the test, you can determine whether or not the soil is fertile enough for plantation and can also choose the plants that can be incorporated into the area within your soil’s pH level.

Prepare the soil for planting Wheelbarrow with mulch

After this, you’ll be required to prepare the soil by cleaning it thoroughly and plowing. Moreover, you will have to make sure the ground is leveled before planting the seeds. Most soils need additional fertilizers to make the landscaping effective and provide valuable results. Choosing the right fertilizer can be challenging as some prefer chemical-based fertilizers comprising the primary nutrients such as Potassium, Phosphorus, and Nitrogen. Simultaneously, some rural and even urban gardeners prefer to use animal waste as a fertilizer, as it is said to be one of the most effective and entirely organic. The fertilizer needs to be plunged into the first four inches of the soil by spading or plowing before planting the seeds.

Plant the seedsHands planting seeds in dirt row

After the soil is good enough for plantation, it is time to place the seeds. This is the simplest and the most exciting part of the entire process. All you need is to pick out a few of your favorite plant seeds, plow the soil, and put the seed inside the soil. However, after the seed has been planted, it is imperative to level the soil equally to get enough nutrients. Once the seed is inside the soil, it’ll need to be watered regularly so that it doesn’t run dry.

Spring Garden Preparation includes Checking your watering systemChild with Watering Pot and Flowers

Watering is essential to the health and growth of your garden. Spring is the time consider what watering sources you have, their condition, and whether what you have will be adequate. Check your hoses and nozzles and make sure they are in good condition.

One of the significant issues of gardening in an urban lifestyle is that we often forget to water our plants or, in some cases, cannot even seem to find the time to water the plants. And the entire effort induced initially goes to waste as the plants are unable to grow, run dry, and eventually die. The solution to this problem may be watering rocks, instead of stressing out that you frequently forget to water your plants. Watering rocks are an innovative portable drip irrigation system kit that can hold up to 5 gallons of water and will regularly water the soil so that  plants do not suffer from dehydration.

If you have time and are interested we make portable irrigation drip systems called Watering Rocks. You can see them and other gardening blogs at www.watering-rocks.com..

Watering rock on 4 wheeler being filled with hose

The best aspect of this innovation is that the rocks are  completely portable and look great in your garden. The whole method is relatively simple and requires you to place the water-filled rocks close to the plant to keep the plant fully hydrated for as long as 3 to 4 days. And if you opt to place two watering rocks simultaneously, the plant will remain hydrated for almost a week. This watering system will not only make your job easier but will make your plants happy  too.


All in all, preparing your garden in the spring will make the job a lot easier and rewarding come planting time.  It is always well-advised to  research before you start the job. Although gardening is somewhat physically demanding it is also great exercise, relaxing and rewarding.. Just being close to nature can work wonders for your body, mind, and soul.

Watering Rock gift in woods surrounded by muti-colored flowers